Hi, I’m Mark

Four years ago I discovered a secret. A secret that has the power to heal nature and help you create long-term wealth.

By the age of 6 I knew I saw the world in a different way. I don’t see words, I see models. These models help me understand the relationships between different types of systems.

Based on these models, I observed how energy flows through physical systems. Like an experiment I did when I was 10. I rolled marbles down a ramp and I knew the position and speed of each marble just from the sound it made while it was rolling faster and faster down the ramp. I know this in a model that captures the proportional rates of change of the marble’s position, velocity, acceleration, momentum, and friction - at snapshots in time.

I didn’t know the words for these ideas, but I knew that the model was measuring the proportional conversion of somethat that related ‘height’ into ‘motion’. I knew what it meant in a scale model that is completely disconnected from ‘words’. When I learned about ‘energy transfer’ in college, I learned the words and the math that describes the models.

When I was 15, I extrapolated these models onto businesses and found that any component of a particular business (like marketing, sales, operations, human resource, finance, administration) can be visualized in a dynamic model that shows individual transactions flowing through the business system, in a scale model, at snapshots in time. This taught me that money flows like energy through systems of ‘work’.

Knowing business systems at this level has been a big advantage in terms of finding optimizations.

I used this scale model of business systems to design and deploy a software that created millions of dollars every year - and thousands of customers.

I wanted to share these models with the world and people create wealth and live a life of abundance. But whenever I tried to explain these models, they looked at me like I am an alien from a far away galaxy.

But in 2020, everything changed. 

I was in my backyard….. 

  • In 2018, I designed the most cost effective fire pit I could imagine. It was a hexagon. This got me curious about the hexagons in honeycomb and the sugar molecule.

  • I imagined the bees converting sugar hexagons into honey hexagons.

  • I thought it was cool that bees move hexagons inside hexagons.

  • I thought… bees must know the secrets of optimizing energy transfer.

  • Since I spent my life thinking about models of energy transfer, I decided to add bees to a future project.

  • The pandemic hit in February, 2020 and things were shut down.

  • It was the right time to spend my life in my backyard.

  • On June 1, 2020, I put my first nucleus of bees into my first hive.

  • I put lawn chair next to them and watched them for a few hours to learn their energy transfer secrets.

  • The game was simple… the bees worked together to gather solar energy from their habitat and store it in a bank to buy time to not work for the 300 days there are no flowers in my backyard.

  • The model of their behaviors was optimizing the rate of energy transfer (calories per second moving from the flowers to the bank), and the amount of energy in the bank (total calories saved).

  • After I understood this, I realized that ‘time is honey’.

  • A few minutes later, I saw the twenty-four secrets of the bees.

“I help people create the life they imagine through lessons from nature”. - Mark Rubin

Observing the bees finally showed me how to explain the models that I had kept inside my mind for 40 years.

Instead of explaining my model of energy transfer using spinning gears that represent money flowing through a money collection system, I decided to explain it using spinning gears that represent the flow of honey through a honey collection system.

Since the honey can be traded for money at the final step, it’s possible to reinvest some of this energy into create pollinator habitat.

To help improve the chances this will happen, I wrote a book, created a board game, created a business model to create wealth, and a glamping place for people to understand these models and experience it in real life.