Hi, I’m Mark.

Before I tell you about myself and how I can help you, let’s talk about the elephant in the room: Why should you even listen to me?

Okay, I have operated 30 businesses in the last 30 years which roughly make me more than $1 million per year.

And this is what I learned: Creating wealth is easy. Very easy.

But, do you know why people struggle with it?

Because they don’t understand fundamentals of wealth. Or, they have been wrongly taught how wealth is created.

But I learned from the greatest wealth creator. The greatest master. The greatest teacher.


Everything I’ve built and everything I’ve created, I’ve learned from nature.

I’m grateful to be in a place now where I can re-invest what I’ve learned from nature and help you achieve your dreams.

Five years ago I discovered a secret...

A secret that has the power to heal nature and help you create long-term wealth.

But, before I tell you the secret, allow me to show you how I discovered the wealth-creating machine.

By the age of 6, I knew I saw the world in a different way. I don’t see words in my mind, I see models. These models help me understand the relationships between everything I know.

As a child, I loved to roll marbles down a ramp, listening closely to the changing sounds as they gained speed, using only the sound of their movement to explore the relationship between their position and velocity as they accelerated down the incline.

I can see these relationships in a visual model of energy transfer in motion.

A few years later, I understood that money in motion is nothing but a system of energy exchange.

When I was 15, I applied these models to a lawn mowing business and I earned $4,000 in the summer of 1985.

I was only 15.

I discovered that all components of a business (like marketing, sales, operations, human resources, finance, and administration) can be visualized as model in motion.

This taught me that money flows like energy through systems of ‘work’.

I used this scale model of business to design software that created millions of dollars, tens of thousands of customers, and jobs for hundreds of people.

I wanted to share these models with the world to help people create wealth and live a life of abundance.

But whenever I tried to explain these models, I couldn’t.

However, in 2020, everything changed…

The pandemic hit in February, and it seemed like the entire world came to a grinding halt.

On June 1, 2020, I bought some honey bees and set up a beehive in my backyard.

I put a lawn chair next to it and watched the bees for a few hours to learn their energy transfer secrets.

I was in my backyard, just thinking about life and stuff and staring at the bees and thinking about hexagons.

The sugar molecule is a hexagon and the honeycomb is a hexagon.

So the bees were putting hexagons into hexagons.

This is the most optimal way to store energy.

I thought… bees must know the secrets of optimizing energy transfer.

A secret? It got me thinking. And thinking. And thinking some more.

And then, it hit me like a bolt of lightning.

The flowers were blooming and the bees worked together, stored honey (like we store money in the bank) so that they are stocked with food when there are no flowers in my backyard.

The model of their behaviors showed me how the bees optimize the rate of honey collection and the amount of honey stored in the hive.

After I understood this, I realized that ‘Time is Honey’. And that ‘Honey is Money’ (which later became a book).

A little while later, I saw the twenty-four secrets of the bees.

Observing the bees finally showed me how I can share my models for wealth creation with the world.

The same models I had kept inside my mind for 40 long years…

Now I’ve written a book, designed a board game, created a simple business system to help you create wealth.

I’ve also built a beautiful glamping retreat in West Virginia for people to chill, relax, and vibe with nature.

I’m grateful to be at a point in life where I can use what I’ve learned to help others live the life that they envision.

Life is lucky!

I have a dream.

A dream to help people achieve their dreams.